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Layout Design

As you can see from the above there are numerous iterations of this, I think this is a useful stage, it means when you start gluing things down you know you won't have to pull it up.... too often!!


First things first, a big thank you to SCARM. Whilst I completed my initial thinking in an old school fashion on a piece of paper, I quite quickly moved onto a medium I am more familiar with, the laptop. This is where I found SCARM and I haven't looked elsewhere, as (once I had worked out the initial quirks of how to use it) it is very straightforward to use, and very satisfying, and quick.... Perfect. And free to try, genuinely free, for 100 items, which is quite a lot. 

Design Criteria (Ethos if you will)

1. Must be mainly continuous, i.e. loops
2. Must not be "loops", (see 1). As in stereotypical "train set" loops (I don't like the haughty taughtiness around this, or rivet counting, so I will avoid that language).  *AL
3. Must include (although significant artistic license to deviate) my memories of railways when I was younger. 80's South Wales Valleys Lines (passengers) and Coal Mining. 
4. Must be interesting, operationally. Scenics whilst important are secondary. 

First Steps

As I alluded to above it took me a while (about half an hour) to work out how to use the software, I kept trying to place tracks and then put them where I wanted them. Don't do this, use "Start Points", all the track then builds from these points, make sure you get the orientation of the arrow right. Once you understand this the rest is easy, you can even do elevations and 3D projections. How to use SCARM, a step by step guide, will get you your layout in 3D in less than 2 hours:

So firstly my baseboard, and for those with eyes like mine, that is 2.6m x 1.3m, see Layout Construction for more details on my space constraints. I included a little nook, or operating well if you prefer, so I could reach the corners. 

Baseboard Design


Reachability Analysis

My Reachability analysis, maybe I've taken this a bit far....


Pass 1 

Pass 1 satisfied my ethos of continuous running, whilst it's slightly convoluted shape removed the typical loop design of a train set.... to some extent. It also allowed me to model what I remember from my childhood, including a "Valleys" landscape and a branch line which my Class 121 will look great on. 

There were seven further iterations which tweaked Pass 1. This eventually resulted in Pass 8. The two main changes are the addition of a turntable, expansion of the main station and a coal mine with associated branch line (black line). 

Second Iteration

Pass 8:

Pass 8

Pass 8 with Annotations:

Pass 8 with annotations

Busier, busier and busier!!! This does have some twisted logic. I have read that many many people have left the hobby for a few years, hence if this is the only layout I ever build, I want it to be multi-functional and entertaining. And I know some of you will be thinking that "less is more" and maybe that is what makes it more entertaining, I guess I will have to see how it goes. 

Future thoughts...(20th May 2020)

(Now the base case)

Over the past couple of days I have pondered removing the operator nook.... Would welcome your thoughts in my guestbook or by Twitter etc. 

Right ALL CHANGE!!! I've consulted a few groups in FaceBook, Twitter etc and thought about my "reachability analysis" above. So, here goes... Pass16.scarm..... The nook has gone, now a real central operator well has been designed. Any further thoughts welcome.... 

Red line - Anti-Clockwise loop, short wheel base locos and coaches.

Green line - Clockwise loop, no restrictions.

Orange area - Industrial area, maybe a power station.

Black - Coal Mine branch line.

PurpleHeritage area, probably steam.

Updated "Finalised" Plan -29062020

So... I released a YouTube video summarising my ethos for the design, how I want it to work and the "design" which was broadly what is shown directly above. This is the video:

So the final design built upon the comments below from the YouTube community, some input from FaceBook and a few ideas that came to me whilst I was in the shed. This is what I have finally come up with:

The main changes are run arounds for the heritage line and industrial area. Splitting the coal return line and the heritage line, means I can run them independently, maybe auto-shuttling them. I've also re-jigged the access to the engine shed area, with access now from the industrial area as opposed to the Red line. Adds a bit of fun (and derailments) with the diamond crossing. 

Community Input to the Finalised Plan

Some people knock YouTube commenters and social media commenters in general, however my experience has been very positive so far, I find some YouTubers ask for comments and then don't respond or don't act on what has been suggested. I'm not entirely sure what the point of that is. I want the community to provide me with feedback so I can make my layout better, and hopefully in return provide ideas and lessons to be learnt for others.... I also notice that some YouTubers are a bit loathe to give shout outs to people who have given feedback, I want to try to buck that trend here and now, so here goes:

Doug Park Junction - nice layout up in his attic, thanks for the input on getting under the mountain to clean the tracks, I am now going to cut more holes under the mountain. This comment was also echoed by PK Rails who recommended access to get to derailments. 

Tranton Model Railway - nice steam layout getting back up and running, also posts real trains. His comment was about moving the track in from the edge of the board, which I have now implemented. 

Lee Clarke - Diesels new and old, nice short sharp close up videos. Has caused me to redesign the coal face section, reduce the possibility of landslides!

Locoforce - A really nice shelf layout, with graffiti etc, realistic. Have added a run around to my industrial area, a really good piece of advice. 

TimberSurf - A treasure trove of various videos, something for everyone. Helped me redesign the inner loop and the industrial area. 

And all importantly as well nice encouragement from Fircombe HallDemsby Model RailwayLayton JunctionAllThings4Geeks and St Mary's Church Model Railway and not forgetting my 100th Subscriber and font of reasonable knowledge Bron Effans.

Final Plan!!!

So this is it folks, after much much input and significant head scratching by myself the layout design has been finalised, hopefully this is operationally exactly what I want. It's still not too late to input so if you need to email me or better still tweet me with your comments! Thank you.

Final Plan! (D'oh!) V2 :)

So.... I got the inner (red loop) all nicely laid down.... I then got some very friendly comments regarding the tightness of some of the curves, and fairplay they were right. Hence I reworked my layout plan entirely. The main addition is a dock along one edge (yes I know water is hard to model, but hey ho!). I'm keen to hear your thoughts, I have found social media feedback so helpful, my design is now 10 times better than what it was. 

Final Plan! (D'oh!) V3 :)

Crikey moses, this is IT!!! No more changes, unless the folks on YouTube come up with something better for my contrived reversing section....

My YouTube channel is the best place to keep upto date with how my layout is progressing, see you there.  

I hope you enjoy your visit around my website, I hope you find it is an improvement on my last incarnation. If you have something which puzzled you for ages and then you managed to fix, please feel free to share it with me, I'm sure you won't be the only person who has the issue. Please feel free to drop me an email, sign my guestbook (very 80's I know) or tweet me with any recommendations that you may have, I'm always learning. 

Cheers for coming! 


My Take on Advertising 

Read all about it on my home page here.

Contact me with any comments or questions, I'm always keen to learn:


OOGauge; Model Railways; Model Railroad; aberhaltjunction; hornby; hornby select; dapol; class 121; ESU; Loksound V5.0; Hobby; Shed; Class 121; Class 37; Beginners; Trains