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Using Social Media Hints and Tips 

My experience with Social Media. I only entered the whole social media scene a couple of months ago, I went from no social media to having an Instagram, Facebook and Twitter account. I'm middle aged and fairly computer savvy (although you may disagree after seeing this website!) but it was still quite a culture shock. I wanted to reach as many people as possible, so the lessons that I had learned and created videos for on my YouTube channel could be reached by as many people as possible, I wanted particularly younger people coming into the hobby to avoid the pitfalls that I have fallen into. This would have saved me time and more importantly money. You'll see a lot of the focus on my website is on cost, this is because I think at the moment this is one of the biggest barriers on younger people coming into the hobby. 

I will also provide what advice I can on the whole YouTube experience. What kit I use and how I get the videos uploaded, the computer savvy youngsters will probably find my advice outdated, but I think us older folk could provide this information useful, I am continually learning so will update this page frequently as I go on. 

Social Media Pitfalls

Filming Your Layout

Social Media Pitfalls

  1. Try not to continually check your updates, with multiple avenues for comments to get to you it is very easy to continually look at your phone and/or laptop. Set yourself a reasonable checking frequency. 
  2. Keep your personal Social Media account separate from your layout one, unless like me you don't have a personal Facebook, then it doesn't really matter!
  3. Don't try to walk before you can run, YouTube is brilliant, but there is ALOT of content, it's almost impossible to be unique and your videos may only get a few views, don't let that get you down, as long as you and your close circle watch them, does it really matter? It's not a contest. 
  4. Try to work out why you are doing "Social Media", what is your driving force? That will then dictate what you see as "Success" in point 3 above. 
  5. I see alot of people (myself included to some extent) celebrating "followers/subscribers", I think it's much more rewarding to have people watching your content and engaging with it. 
  6. Don't do a website unless you have ages upon ages to spend on it and fancy doing some HTML coding. Twitter/Instagram and Facebook will keep you plenty busy!

Filming your Layout

My 5 top tips, if you are putting it up on YouTube or Facebook (or wherever) and whether you are filming it for your own viewing pleasure. 

Number  YouTube Notes Personal Consumption
1. Lighting This is hyper important, it doesn't need to be expensive kit but can make the difference between a great video and a good one.  Important so you can see what is going on, but not as important as if you are publishing them. 
2. Staging WHAT you are going to shoot, try to declutter (I fail at this continuously) the background so people can see what you are talking about.  As above. 
3. Framing As a minimum have your scenes shot level, as in horizontal, if you're not using a tripod don't "spin" the shot too much, people can actually get sick.  Always nice to look back at level shots. 
4. Audio audio audio In addition to lighting the biggest impact you can have is on the sound of your videos. Be VERY wary of autofocus (check out a few of my early vids for this), it is exceptionally loud and sounds like a machine gun going off and completely detracts from the commentary.  This is still important, particularly the autofocus. A microphone will set you back about 30 quid and is a big leap forward. 
5. Editing This is one of the hardest things to do well and takes an inordinate amount of time (hours!!), it's something I really struggle with. You end up filming hours of tape, how to condense that down to 20/10/5 minutes??? Also be aware that most people only watch a few mins of YouTube and then move on, depressing I know. Still you can always watch your videos in their entirety.....  Not important, keep your videos as long as you like :). 

If you don't have access to a fancy DSLR then a really useful, if not integral part of your filming kit is a basic tripod for your phone. I have recently purchased a great bit of kit that allows you to remotely trigger your phone (over bluetooth) and comes with a tripod, I've been using it for a couple of weeks and it is great.... It's so handy being able to activate your phone REMOTELY (no cables) (check the specs before you buy it to confirm it works with yours, mine's an iPhone) whilst it's set up on the tripod. 


If you fancy getting one, you can get one in small phone shops and they're also pretty cheap on Amazon here*AL

Date News
23/06/2020 New Home Page constructed. New design and feel. New pages added, including a "How To" section.... 
11/06/2020 For those of you have suffered my terrible website to date, I have decided to write a new one. Started the new coding today, will probably take me a week or two to get a V2.0 uploaded, until then I can only apologise. 
15/05/2020 I have a new loco!! My fleet has doubled. Got a lovely new ViTrains Class 37 "Caerphilly Castle"
12/05/2020 Finally worked out how to get my Guestbook up and running: http://www.aberhaltjunction.co.uk/guestbook/gbook.php?a=sign
11/05/2020 Updated my Layout Construction page
10/05/2020 Got my first few YouTube subscribers, THANK YOU all!!
10/05/2020 Uploaded my first "real" YouTube video, introducing my layout.
04/05/2020 May the forth be with you! Joined MRYCG on Facebook, what a great place, so much inspiration, from basic to expert. 
01/05/2020 Uploaded my first ever YouTube video!! 
01/05/2020 New version of website uploaded, landing page complete plus "About Me" Section.
30/04/2020 Work started in earnest on the New (improved hopefully) Website. 
30/04/2020 Hornby affiliate account kindly accepted by Hornby, thanks!  
26/04/2020 Draft 1 of the website launched. YouTube Channel created, with no videos yet! 

I hope you enjoy your visit around my website, I hope you find it is an improvement on my last incarnation. If you have something which puzzled you for ages and then you managed to fix, please feel free to share it with me, I'm sure you won't be the only person who has the issue. Please feel free to drop me an email, sign my guestbook (very 80's I know) or tweet me with any recommendations that you may have, I'm always learning. 

Cheers for coming! 


My Take on Advertising 

Read all about it on my home page here.

My Hornby Affiliate Link: 

Contact me with any comments or questions, I'm always keen to learn:


OOGauge; Model Railways; Model Railroad; aberhaltjunction; hornby; hornby select; dapol; class 121; ESU; Loksound V5.0; Hobby; Shed; Class 121; Class 37; Beginners; Trains